Grandma and me went to the florist today. We spent half a day there and bought 5 pots of flowers. Before that, we had yummy duck rice.
My 21st birthday present from mom. But can you believe it?! I chose and bought it myself! WAHAHA!
By the way, I swam 16 laps this morning!!!!! I have far too much latent energy!
I have a sudden urge to write so i shall.
I love to read travel blogs because i'm obsessed with travelling. I used to get really depressed whenever it was the last day at our holiday destination. I couldn't sleep. That was how bad it was. I love to be at the departure hall. I get all excited thinking about the place i would be in a few hours time.
I spent a lazy day at home. Since i'm not working, i have prepared dinner for the family a couple of times, both with and without help. Today i made stew and purin. Purin because i felt like making it.
Going out tomorrow night and watching a dance performance on saturday. Something different to look forward to. I hate to bum round. i feel lazy.
After watching a program showcasing a party hosted by a rock n roll family, I have a sudden desire to be gothic. NYAHAHAHA...
But i was glad i still met up with steffi for roller blading yesterday
I don't have any pictures to post so here's a squid that i had a while back. It was smaller than what i imagined it would be. I felt a little cheated when i got my plate.
Somehow i don't seem to be that bored even though i have no job to speak of. Psst...i quit a baking job after a day due to the cooking smell generated by the stalls around the muffin stall. I was literally 'smoked alive' so i told the boss i'm not suited for the working environment. What a brat eh? I went for a waitressing job interview as well but i was available for too short a period to be employable. I have been going roller-blading, hanging out with my family and meeting up with random friends. I don't really have much time at home for me to start feeling bored.
I think i'm addicted to roller-blading for the moment.
Happy new year! My throat feels scratchy and my nose is leaking slightly.