Happiness is hot noodles on a cold rainy day.
Instead of doing the same yoga moves every morning and night, I borrowed a pilates book from the city library yesterday. Hopefully I really do get taller and leaner. I MISS DANCING! By the way, I think working is keeping me sane. I spoke to many random people yesterday and I realised that my "uniqueness"---only non-indian working---is a good topic of conversation. Japanese? American?!!!! Nope sorry I'm from Singapore. And they started telling me how nice Singapore is. Funny!
I got a loaf of sour dough bread from the french bakery. I had this urge to skip and prance all the way back with the loaf in my arms. Momo Lim wee leng would like it too! We are bread people.
Maybe I should go find some moss somewhere.
Guess what time i got up today?! 5ish am! And it wasn't day break yet. Angeline lazed in bed and started on the book she has been reading for a while now. The reading bug caught her unaware and she continued reading with a warm tumbler-full of milky chai while lying on a fluffy new throw that she uses as a rug. That was the heavenly morning which I don't often have. I just got out of the house to get a fresh-out- of-the-oven almond crossiant from the new french bakery just around the corner. It shall be enjoyed with my freshly-brewed cup of cafe au lait. Now that I caught the reading bug once again, I will head to the library before work tomorrow to grab another silly chick read.
I didn't attend Anna's birthday yesterday. It was at Napier and I had work. So I drew this for her.
I was shrieking and jumping up and down when I saw not one but 2 packages outside my door!!!!!!!!!
I think today deserves a giant smilie! Job ended late because there was a party but I enjoyed the job. It's like one BIG family. The boss's daughter behaved just like Suwee. She was vying for my attention all the while. I think I was her new toy. I had a yummy naan and got paid a little too! I feel happy once again. Just in time when I thought my life was just revolving around my school work. I'm proud to say that I completed my assignment too! I so wanna have a trampoline to jump on now!BOING!
By a weird twist of fate, I landed a job at Mister India!!!! WHEEEEEEE! I was just randomly talking to Pdus online while i was getting myself to get started on my report. Then, I was told that there was an opening at Mr India. And so i called up the place and walked there. He didn't even look at my CV. I am hired!!!!!!!!!! It's a family business and I was told that they live just near my place and I could be sent home after work! And vegetarian meals are provided!I don't know what to say. haha got to finish up my report before my training tonight :) This place is definitely a much happier place to work as compared to the Japanese restaurant I went to. The chinese lady there frightened me a little. I think Indians like me.
WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! And I don't have gorilla eyebrows!
Good News! My imminent virology exam is in the format of MCQ! WHEEEEE! Lucky!
I missed meditation session again. But I guess rushing to meditation class would defeat its purpose and I could do it on my own this week. I took a bus down to campus in the morning to print out my CV as well as to return a couple of books and borrowed one more. Then did I know that meditation was on this afternoon ( I got an email reply). My plan was to go to town to submit my CV and take a bus back to campus. Somehow the bus i was waiting for didn't appear. So i resigned to fate and went to the supermarket and home instead. I wasn't given a confirmation for the job because the job recruitment place made a mistake and didn't inform me that I have to work on a monday too. However, the lady was nice and told me she would give me a call if she could get me to work only on sunday. My sincerity must have touched her :p I'm learning to be patient and calm.
Behold my yummy dinner which I took the trouble to make! BWAHAHAHAHAHAH!
Today was a busy day. I felt as if I have been rushing around the entire day. Tomo might be right about me trying to keep myself busy though I did not admit to it. Unfortunately, I did not get the waitressing job . But I got another referral to work once a week at an asian supermarket. Maybe that would be a better deal since I get to work less. Things always happen for a reason.
I invested in a thicker duvet when I was out with Sam, Amy and Ann today. I've been wearing my thick quilted jacket to bed recently. This was a totally unexpected buy but it was half priced and too good to resist. Oooo warm and heavy duvet now!
Yang's back. We had dinner together and I made vegetable curry. Yasu made an impressive roasted chicken.
It took almost the entire morning to make these french rolls, with periods of waiting scattered in between. But it was good fun and we have bread for dinner tonight!
Hello fat dough. Witness the amount of gas he puts on in just an hour. Parthenogenesis occurred and now there are 16 Mr dough.
Bread making requires lots of patience. So while my dough is sitting in the kitchen, I shall post some pictures.
Images courtesy of www.theselby.com. How I hope I could always have a dog at home. Not those 'stay- in- the- garden' type of dog but a dog that's like part of the family. I miss MoMo.
Spent a lazy day at home. It was supposed to be work-free but I managed to start on my Pharmacology assignment nonetheless. I think I need to get away from my computer.
My bear under the lemon tree!!! Must be TuTu while she was here last year! My bear must have fallen down from the window ledge. RIP.
I was visited by Tomo the Easter Bunny during the night. This was what was left after 30 minutes of chocolate discovery. Now there's none. Chocoholic Angeline couldn't resist it.
I only had 2 classes today so I got home pretty early. I didn't manage to have breakfast before leaving home in the morning so I was starving. It is a cold wintry day with an impending hail coming up. I decided to treat myself to a good lunch, so I baked the salmon steak which I bought yesterday and had it with rice. Hmmmm... Yummy! I baked a swedish spongecake once again for the easter get-together at Meaghan's place later. I tried a piece just to make sure that it tasted alright. Guess i'll go grab a tub of yoghurt to have with the cake before leaving it at their place before work. It might just add brownie points to my amateur cake.
It has been busy thus far. Just submitted my resume at a restaurant in town( i found this job while i was randomly surfing the net) and made a detour to the super before coming home. Gonna start walking to Japanese class soon. I think i need to be busy. I feel energised this week for some odd reason. I have a test tomorrow too. I believe in my luckiness and truly i'm lucky! Got 2 easter bunnies this week---one was an unexpected whilst-stock-last freebie from campus and one was from Wendy. And i got my ophthalmology lecture today and I was told that I could work there for my practical! I just realised that i only need a week of large animal practical so I'll be staying a week at kawa kawa and 2 at this clinic in town!Aren't I lucky! It's a referral clinic!!!! Wheeeeee! As cliche as it may sound, happiness comes a knocking at unexpected moments. Blindly pursuing will not help at all.
Yesh it's another week. And Yesh I'm having a test today and on wednesday. Daylight saving officially ended on sunday but i'm still used to getting up at the previous "6am". So i was up at 5am. I took my time doing yoga, choosing what to wear and making breakfast cum lunch. I wouldn't have to rush today and that makes me happie! I could take my time to bike as well!
SO here are a couple of photos i managed to copy from facebook. UNfortunately, I forgot to bring my camera along. Have a great week!
I had a random day. The entire trip to welly was random. The things we did were random. And the people i met today were random. They were mainly Singaporeans or Malaysians but they didn't believe I was one of them till I told them the estate I live in back at home. I was acting random too. Must be due to the fatigue that slowly crept up to me. I almost didn't know anyone I went on the trip with. Most importantly, I was glad I got out of Palmy.
I spotted this picture of my grandmama on my sis's blog and I couldn't help publishing it too. Doesn't she resemble a queen or someone with royal blood? I'm going to Welly soon! WHEEEEEE!
Went to town after class to post Wynne's easter surprise. Unfortunately, the postage is more expensive than the gift. SO instead of getting momo an expensive little treat with most of the cost going to postage, I donated some loose change to the guide dog society. I bet momo wouldn't mind since he's blind too. Then I went to the city library to borrow a couple of novels for the 1st time. There's no excuse for not reading anymore and i think this is where I would be spending most of my easter break. Just had some leftovers for lunch and i shall get started with my revision. PLay day tomorrow!
To celebrate the end of my parasitology test, i went easter egg shopping with Sam after class. She has been wanting to get some for a while. I got one for my Japanese class teacher who continues to charge me the same price even though it's now a one to one class. And I got one for Wynne. I'll check out the price of postage tomorrow and will post it if it isn't too expensive. If not, I'll just post a picture of it. Bwahahaha!
I made salmon pasta soup today, just like the kind I usually have at home, and it was the yummiest thing I ever cooked. Too bad no one else had it except for me. I haven't seen anyone at home today. Guess I could have it for tomorrow's lunch and dinner.
I did a terrible thing today. I was told to be more gentle with a horse when i gave it a knock on the head while it was trying to jerk on her harness. I did it without thinking. I think it was due to the bad experience i had a few weeks ago with this evil horse. Carol and me were pulled everywhere by it till the lecturer came and gave it a few knocks on the head. I think i still couldn't fathom horses at all. I felt like a cruel person who used to love animals.