Parveen, John and me were treated to a scrumptious lunch at the Herb Farm! And I was again invited to dinner. So I made him a birthday swiss roll with whatever ingredients I have. Got to get bak to my assignment now! Cya!
Just a short post of my Japanese chicken vegetable curry that I made for potluck tonight. I have been enjoying riding on my new bike! Wanted to get sushi and baguette after work today but ended up not getting any. I've not been transferring money into my account. I had to return the baguette which was indeed embarrassing! Got to catch up with my work now since i'm done with the cooking.
I do not have the motivation to update my blog recently. SO please check my facebook for photos. My friends seem to upload them ever so often. Hello new bike!
I'm going to get this medication later when I go on my trip to the market with Meaghan and Tigger. I have been running a fever the whole night but I couldn't take the last panadol that I have. It contains caffeine. Just had my oatmeal. I shall take my panadol now.
We cooked too much!!!! And I made red bean/brown/white rice too! Just like what I have at home! Hope Meaghan, Brenna, Sam, Ann, Tigger and Amy really like it!
The girls in my class either got a size XS or S. I initially wrote M but swapped to S when I knew some guys only got an M. I was afraid it might not fit when I first got it. Then did I realised that it is quite loose at the sides even when I have 2 tops on! I must have thought I was a GIANT!
Makes me excited to have dinner right now!
I was invited to have dinner at Ann's tonight. Amy made really yummy chicken soup and Issac made chocolate pudding. I was spoilt. Promised to make miso soup on friday. I shall try the recipes in the cookbook I borrowed. It's seldom that I get to cook for others and I actually do enjoy it. Realised that I only hate cooking for myself. Hate to eat the same food the 2nd day. While I was at their place, I sneaked out to get voucher for eyelash tinting and eyebrow shaping for Ann's birthday tomorrow. That was the best 21st present I could think of for her. I think I have spent all the money I earned last week. haha.
MOnday no longer feel that tiring now even though it ends late. Got to do more study now. tata!xoxo
I had a long walk after I got up with Valentine and Cali the dog. Long story which I'll not bore everyone with. Walking for 2 hours or so left me parched and famished. SO I made myself a nice brunch after shower. PIckled some carrots with rice vinegar as well! I shall have it later! I'm becoming experimenting more with all the recipes I got from the library. Got to seriously study today!
Friday went fast . Went as a 1950s shanghai lady for Ann's party. I was pretty tired and sleepy at that time. Felt drowsy even without a sip of alcohol. Went Yum Cha with Wendy in the afternoon and studied in the library. Spent a bomb on food this week. I plan to make lunch everyday. To make it interesting, I'm planning to make not so sandwiches but sushi and noodles too. It's time i stop buying lunch or binge during dinner by making lunch more exciting. I'm officially addicted to fruits and carrots. I finished a whole lot of them even before the end of the week.
do you like my scone???
At campus till 130pm. Japanese class.baked scones. Worked from 6pm to 1130pm. My day was long but I got free dinner and met new people. Class starts late tomorrow!!!!!!! yipeee! Tomorrow will be a long day once again.
Just got home a while back. It was an eventful day. My cattle handling class got my finger bruised and swollen. Finger caught between the metal head bail and the hind skull of the cow wasn't a laughing matter at all. My energy is gone and dinner shall be a simple rice and salmon roe. I shall watch 'the cat returns' if I could find it.
I'm doing a one-off job tomorrow~~~~~ That's the exciting thing~! It'll be at the race course and I'll be a waitress at the function!!!!!! Borrowing Yang's car to get there and back. It ends at 12am. Friday will be a long day too with a fish lab coming up. Guess I'll just pump myself with heaps of caffeine on friday morning. Money to go into my bike fund!!!!!! YAY!
Coffeee coffeeeee!
I made fried rice today! It tasted pretty yummy but i guess i need to invest in a new pan this week to prevent teflon poisoning. I got 60 dollars for my bike!!!! yay!